Mobile SEO: 6 Tips To Optimise Your Site

We all know that Google looks at a range of different areas to assess a site’s SEO; but did you know that Mobile Optimisation is a key factor in where you rank?


Converting clicks into customers isn’t easy at the best of times. In the first quarter of 2016, the global conversion rate on desktop was 3.63% - but on mobiles it was only 1.25%.

Not only has global phone usage increased a great deal since 2016, but the amount of time customers spend browsing has dramatically increased as well, typically spending double the amount of time browsing their phones instead of desktops.

Considering all of this, it’s easy to see why Google has decided to make Mobile Optimisation a significant ranking factor. Nobody wants the first result they click on Google to leave them having to squint at tiny text and scroll endlessly to find a button to follow; depending on the website hosting service you use, it might be easier to get your Mobile SEO sorted than you think.


Tips and Tricks


Use Structured Data

When your data is structured, Google can access the information on your site more easily, and when done well it can greatly improve your chances of getting clicks through from search results. A commonly used service is - remembering that people spend twice as much time browsing on mobile as they do on desktop, ensuring that your mobile site has structured data is critical. 

When Google can access your data, it allows them to implement more information around your search result. Structured data itself is a huge topic that we could cover in it’s own blog, but below is an example of the ways Google can take advantage of your structured data and make your site a richer search result than your competitors.


Used Compressed Images

If you’re using huge images with large file sizes, it can cause loading delays or fill your customer’s entire screen with the image. This is particularly important when it comes to things like product photos.

Using a responsive design and regularly checking your site on mobile devices as you go through the design process can help you avoid this issue, but if you’re deciding to use an entirely different site for mobile, service such as Smush Images or tinypng can help you ensure your images aren’t affecting your website’s Mobile Optimisation.


Avoid Non-Mobile Friendly Features

On a similar note to compressing your images, ensuring that the design of your website doesn't include features that make it harder to browse your website on mobile is important. 

The most common example is a sidebar; it may look good and be functional on a desktop, but on mobile it can widen the screen and force the user to pinch and scroll around to find the information they’re looking for. It’s best to avoid making the customer work harder than necessary when trying to create conversions. 

Responsive Design

Of course, a way to avoid having to worry so much about the previous two bullet points is to implement a responsive site design. Responsive design allows your website to adjust to the device it’s being viewed on. Depending on where you design and host your website, you may have a responsive design built in. 

For example, Squarespace gives you the option to view your design from the perspective of multiple devices as you build your site. This means you can check the sizes of buttons, images, side bars, and a range of other elements that may not translate well onto a smaller screen; and we highly recommend you do! Even if you aren’t on a site builder such as Squarespace, it’s worth having your phone next to you so you can view your website yourself and check how everything looks.

You may even want to look at installing an AMP if you want your site to translate smoothly onto mobile.

Use More Video


Mobiles naturally have a smaller space to display images on. Including multiple images on a page can start to look messy quickly, and even when features such as carousels you may find people rarely click through to view all the images.

This is particularly important when offering a service as opposed to a product; having multiple images of your Personal Training sessions may have less effect than simply compiling multiple clips of you actually working with your clients into a sleek video. You can translate the personality of your business into video much more quickly than with images.

Streamline your Check Out

Cart abandonment is a common problem, causing a loss of between 55-80% of potential purchases.

Allowing customers to check out as a guest and streamlining the checkout process can increase the likelihood a customer completes their purchase. You might not get the customer to sign up to your email marketing, but a customer who has actually purchased and received your product is far more likely to return and purchase again than one who never purchased in the first place. They’re also then able to leave reviews, which can be critical to encouraging future purchases from other customers. 

A lot of people may browse and add to basket in order to compile the items they like without the intention of purchasing - the less obstacles between the customer and actually checking out, the more likely they are to actually make the purchase without overthinking and closing the page.


Google is constantly updating the way they rank and the things they assess for SEO. Implementing the road signs that Google looks for, as well as setting up your site to maximise your conversion, will increase your revenue and set your business up for success.


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