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The Value of Pay Per Click Advertising

PPC. Those three letters can be quite daunting to someone who’s never properly investigated them. Pay-Per-Click advertising can be complex, but definitely worth it. Done correctly, PPC can be incredibly valuable for businesses and brands of all sizes.

So, What Is Pay Per Click Advertising?

Per-per-click (or PPC for short) is an advertising model that enables businesses to place adverts on an ad platform and pay the host of that platform every time their ad is clicked. Still with us?

The ultimate goal of a PPC advert is to entice your audience and lead the person viewing it to click through to your website or app. This is so that whoever is visiting your website or app can complete a valuable action – such as purchasing your product.

The most common type of PPC ads are ‘Paid Search Ads’. These types of adverts are usually displayed when someone searches for something online using a search engine like Google. These occupy the top four spots in Google search engine result pages. Did you know that 64.6% of consumers clicked on Google ads when shopping online*?

A big driver in using PPC advertising is the immediate results that can come from your campaign. Strategically crafted PPC campaigns can provide excellent traffic to your website, prompt business leads and attract more customers in a short amount of time.

How PPC Can Benefit Your Business

Using PPC in your marketing strategy can help you achieve a vast number of business and marketing goals. Benefit from high-level brand exposure and - even better - get a sale or a new lead!

Using PPC advertising can support many parts of the sales funnel and the path that your prospect customers take from brand awareness to becoming a paying customer.

PPC can help you assess what keywords to utilise for your SEO strategy, and give you presence where your SEO may not.

Your PPC Advert is Measurable and Trackable

Another great thing that can come from running PPC ads is that almost any type of conversion goal can be tracked. You can measure anything that is related to your PPC campaign such as costs, profits, views, clicks and visits. From the time you begin your PPC campaign, you will know how much you have spent and be able to see whether you are generating a profit or a loss.

There will be no mysteries when it comes to your PPC performance! Combined with Google Analytics you’ll be able to see high-level performance details. All your stats will be readily available, so you’ll be able to see what kind of traffic you are getting and what results they are driving for your advert budget.

Stay in Control of your PPC Adverts

Staying in control of your PPC adverts means there is a lot of flexibility if you decide you’d like to start off small. For instance, if you’re beginning to see positive results from your advert you can decide to scale up immediately and start raking in the customers! Or, if it’s not going to plan you can take a break and pause or stop your ad entirely. This gives you the opportunity to be in control of your spending and work accordingly.

Another great feature of running PPC ads is the opportunities to make quick edits and optimise while your ads are up and running. Anything from a sneaky spelling mistake to deciding to test something completely new – you are in complete control of your ad.

We hope this has helped uncover a few mysteries for you when it comes to PPC Advertising. If you want to learn more about how PPC advertising could benefit your business then how about attend one of our Online PPC Training Sessions? It’s important to us that we help you, help yourselves and your business. Our online PPC training will teach you why Paid Advertising is so important and how it can boost your website traffic and ultimately get you more customers!

  • Ref: wordstream, 2019 Study of US paid advertising market