A marketer's introduction to Micro-Moments

Over the past few months, Google have published extensive research and articles on the market phenomena known as ‘Micro-Moments’, and their importance in brand awareness.

We've put together a short guide to give you a better understanding of their research.

What is a Micro-Moment?

Google says they are, “critical touch points within today’s consumer journey, and when added together, they ultimately determine how that journey ends.”

To be less cryptic, these are the ‘I want to know, I want to do/buy, where is the nearest’ questions that are often typed into Google whilst on the move, or before the beginning of a journey towards ‘something’ (hopefully your product!).

As you might expect, Google highlight the use of mobile devices as a key indicator of search behaviours that illustrate these ‘Micro-Moments’.

According to Search Engine Watch, Google published these findings, which are probably a good indicator of a wider mobile global market:

·      91% of smartphone users turn to their phones for ideas when in the middle of a task.

·      90% are not certain of the brand they want to buy from.

·      82% use their phones to check on prospective in-store purchases.

·      65% look for the most relevant information to their query, regardless of the company that provides the answer.

·      51% have discovered a new company or product when searching on their phone.

·      33% have purchased from a different brand than the one they had in mind, because of the information provided.

With these kind of findings, marketing and SEO becomes slightly more complex, but the opportunities are vast. The ‘mobile search land’ is still anyone’s game, open for everyone to claim a nice section of local brand dominance.

This is where you should make your mark!

Now, it is important to consider two key points about the mobile market; the users are very active and not remotely brand loyal, yet.


The ‘near me’ search: this first idea will overshadow the other three approaches because Google have made clear that searches involving phrases like, ‘near me or nearby’ have doubled in the past year alone.

Check out our post on how to optimise for me ‘near me’ searches.

Anticipation: know what your customers and, most importantly, your prospective customers are going to ask for as a part of your industry before they do. Understanding your customer’s profiles is of grave importance if you are going to be successfully aligning your services with your consumers’ needs.

This kind of insight could be very useful to value driven businesses that want to expand their customer base and get the word out faster!

Relevance: if you have managed to tap into the psyche of your clientele, you have really accomplished half the battle. However, in order to keep them, you must offer the clearest and most relevant information possible. Understand that what one client might need in that ‘Micro-Moment’ might not be the full extent of what they are asking for.

As an expert in your industry you probably already know this, but it is your job to accompany them through that process of understanding and change.

Speed: this is probably the trickiest part, and probably why anticipation is so important in this strategic equation. It is important that this kind of interaction with customers is fast; the new generation of mobile users do not have the time to wait because they can go elsewhere with the click of a button.